YEMEN Press Agency
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New fighting security batch trained in Bayda

BAYDA, Oct. 8 (YPA) – A new security group on Monday finished in Bayda province theirs special training workshop in the martial arts under the slogan On The way of Imam Hussein " Mohammad prophet's grandson". The workshop was executed by…

Health Minister, WHO discuss health situation in Yemen

SANAA, Oct. 7 (YPA) - Minister of Public Health and Population Dr. Taha Al-Mutawakil discussed in Sanaa on Sunday with the World Health Organization (WHO) representative, Altaf Musani, the health situation in Yemen. The meeting touched on…

6 foreign experts, cargo plane held at Aden Airport

ADEN, Oct. 7 (YPA) - Militias loyal to the UAE occupation forces on Sunday held a cargo plane with several foreign experts on board as it arrived at Aden International Airport, a security official told Yemen Press Agency. The militias of…