YEMEN Press Agency
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3 officials in Sanaa referred for investigation

SANAA, Sept. 07 (YPA) - The Minister of Industry and Trade in Sanaa government, Muhammad al-Mutahar, on Wednesday directed the suspension of three directors of the Yemen Standardization, Metrology and Quality Control Organization (YSMO)'s…

Yemeni riyal continues to decline in Aden, Hadramout

SANAA, Sept. 04 (YPA) -The Yemeni riyal rate on Sunday continued to decline against foreign currencies in the provinces of Aden and Hadramout, where US dollar price reached 1,128 riyals, and Saudi riyal reached 298 riyals. Meanwhile, the…

Yemeni riyal continues to fall in southern provinces

SANAA, Aug. 29 (YPA) - The Yemeni riyal on Monday continued to drop against foreign currencies in the exchange shops in the provinces of Aden and Hadramout, where the price of one dollar reached 1,123 riyals. Meanwhile, the riyal exchange…