YEMEN Press Agency

Health Minister calls UN to probe into coalition crimes in Yemen

HAJJAH, March 27 (YPA) – Minister of Public Health and Population Dr. Taha Al-Mutawakil on Wednesday called on the United Nations and the international community to form an international commission to investigate Saudi-led coalition’s crimes against Yemen.

During his visit to Hajjah, the Health Minister got acquainted on the damage caused by the coalition forces and militias to citizens’ houses in Kushar district.

Dr. al-Mutawakil pointed out that “the heinous crime committed by the aggression coalition in Tallan area in Kushar district is a clear evidence of targeting civilians over four years.”

The minister held the coalition countries, primarily America and Israel, responsible for the continuation of crimes against the Yemeni people.

He added that this crime and other crimes would not be subject to statute of limitations and the perpetrators would be held accountable sooner or later.

