YEMEN Press Agency

Zionist enemy arrests 11 Palestinians from West Bank, Jerusalem

SANAA, March 6 (YPA) – Israeli forces arrested on Wednesday 11 Palestinians from different areas of the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem.

According to the agency “Palestine Now” local sources said: The enemy forces arrested a young man from his home in the city of Nablus, and arrested another young man from his house in Wad Ma’ale area in Bethlehem.

While the enemy stormed the town of Khader south of Bethlehem, raided several houses and dumped in it.

The enemy forces also arrested a liberated prisoner from his home in Kafr Naama village, west of Ramallah.

In the town of Halhoul, north of Hebron, violent confrontations broke out between the youths and the enemy soldiers after Israeli buses broke into the area of ​​the village of Nabi Younis in the town.

The enemy soldiers interrogated the family of a prisoner who was released and handed him a telegram to review their intelligence after storming Al Salam Street in the city of Hebron.

A Zionist force accompanied by snipers raided Anata village, northeast of Jerusalem, and stormed a citizen’s house and searched it, and set up a checkpoint in the center of the town.

The enemy forces fired flares in the vicinity of the settlement of “Karni Shomron” near the town of Azzun east of Qalqilya.


Sameera Hassn