YEMEN Press Agency

EU considers lifting embargo on Iran necessary part of nuclear deal

SANAA, March 6 (YPA) – The European Union praised the IAEA’s new report on Iran’s nuclear program, which confirmed Iran’s commitment to the nuclear agreement.

According to the agency “IRNA” The European Union said in a statement that the lifting of the embargo, imposed on Iran because of its nuclear program, is a necessary part of the agreement, expressing deep regret for America’s exit from this agreement.

The European Union has declared its firm commitment and continued support for the comprehensive joint program of action (the nuclear agreement), and reiterates its determination to continue to cooperate with the international community to maintain this agreement.

The Union considered the nuclear deal a key element in nuclear non-proliferation, referring to the 10 diplomatic years that led to the agreement.

The European Union stressed that the nuclear agreement assured the international community that Iran’s nuclear program is for peaceful purposes only.


Sameera Hassn