YEMEN Press Agency

Trump: We will devastate Turkey if they hit Kurds in Syria

SANAA, Jan. 14 (YPA) – US President Donald Trump on Monday threatened to take economic measures against Turkey if Ankara attacked Syrian Kurds.

“We are starting to pull our troops from Syria and at the same time we are making strong blows to the rest of ISIS’s terrorist organization from different sides,” the US president wrote on his Twitter account.

“We will attack them from existing nearby bases it reforms again,” he said.

“We will devastate Turkey economically if it strikes the Kurds,” he said, giving Turkey advice to create a safe zone within 20 miles.

Trump said in another tweet that “Likewise, I don’t want the Kurds to provoke Turkey, adding that Russia, Iran, Syria most beneficiaries of U.S. long-term policy to destroy ISIS in Syria.