YEMEN Press Agency

Acting speaker of Shura sends letter to UN Secretary General

SANAA, Sep. 3 (YPA) – The Shura Council’s Acting Speaker, Mohammed al-Aidarous, on Monday sent a letter to UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, on the humanitarian and economic suffering of the Yemeni people due to the Saudi-led coalition’s war and siege on Yemen.

The letter dealt with the economic war launched by the coalition countries on Yemen, which led to the current deterioration of the national currency exchange rate against foreign currencies, according to the state-run Yemen News Agency (Saba) in Sanaa.

The national currency weakening has reflected in the rise of prices of food, consumer goods, and medicines at a time Yemenis suffer from the worst humanitarian disaster in the modern times according to the United Nations organizations reports, the letter added.

In the letter, al-Aidarous pointed out that the reason for the continued humanitarian and economic crisis in Yemen is the coalition forces’ attempt to impose their political, economic and military agenda in order to subjugate the Yemeni people in light of a suspicious international silence.

He affirmed that the deterioration of the national currency and rising prices was also an indirect result of the United Nations evading its humanitarian responsibilities in supporting the Yemeni people.

The letter demanded that the UN Secretary-General push for re-payment of the state staff salaries by compelling the aggressor party to fulfill its obligations to pay salaries under the agreement made earlier with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.

The Shura acting speaker also called on the United Nations and the international community to intervene quickly to stop the war on Yemen and to bear the moral, legal and humanitarian responsibility in stopping these practices that affect the living conditions of Yemeni people.


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