YEMEN Press Agency

US Navy seizes arms of Hadi’s govt in Gulf of Aden

ADEN, Aug. 30 (YPA) – The US navy on Thursday seized modern weapons belonging to the government of the exiled Hadi on a boat in the Gulf of Aden, according to an official at the US Pentagon.

“Hundreds of pieces of small arms, including Kalashnikov rifles, were seized on a boat in the Gulf of Aden, which were smuggled to the Hadi government,” the US official said.

He added that the arms were taken aboard the destroyer “USS Jason Dunham.”

Military sources commented that the Hadi government in Aden was seeking to bring weapons into the city after the seizure of several arms shipments coming from Marib province.

This comes in the context of the conflict between the government of Hadi and the southern transitional council’s militia loyal to the UAE occupation in Aden.


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