YEMEN Press Agency

Military armed factions deploy in Marib

MARIB, March 02 (YPA) – Armed factions, on Sunday, deployed in Marib province, northeast of Yemen, local sources reported.

The sources said that the state of military deployment in the neighborhoods and streets of Marib city, this evening, which is controlled by the factions affiliated with the Islah Party, comes in light of fears of the possibility of a popular uprising, which the people of the city are preparing for, in protest against the deterioration of the local currency and the rise in food prices with the advent of the holy month of Ramadan.

The sources explained that the armed factions in the city of Marib have taken a state of alert in anticipation of any possible confrontations with the people of the city of Marib.

The areas of Yemen under the control of the coalition are witnessing an escalating wave of popular protests against the continued collapse of the local currency, the rise in prices of food and basic commodities, and the lack of services, which has sparked a great deal of discontent among citizens who have called for the departure of the coalition from Yemen as it is primarily responsible for the economic collapse and the deterioration of the living conditions of citizens.