YEMEN Press Agency

Wave of anger sweeps Aden as protests erupt over deteriorating living conditions

ADEN, Feb. 23 (YPA) -A wave of widespread public anger erupted on Saturday night in the Mansoura district of Aden governorate, coinciding with the arrival of Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, the president of the Southern Transitional Council (STC).

Massive crowds took to the streets to express their dissatisfaction with the deteriorating economic and political conditions.

The protesters raised banners and chanted slogans denouncing the decline in public services, rising unemployment rates, and the increasing living crises faced by citizens.

The Mansoura district witnessed a noticeable escalation in the intensity of the protests, with walls covered in graffiti expressing anger and frustration.

Security forces were deployed in an attempt to contain the situation and prevent any escalation that could lead to violent acts.

One of the protesters said, “We are living in unbearable conditions with no improvement in sight. The situation worsens every day, and we are here to say enough is enough.”


