YEMEN Press Agency

Drone attack strikes STC sites in Abyan

ABYAN, Jan. 20 (YPA) – A number of terrorist elements targeted on Monday the sites of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) factions in Abyan province, south of Yemen.

Sources familiar with the matter said that the terrorist elements wage an attack called “Arrows of Truth” against the positions of the “Second Support and Reinforcement Brigade” factions in Mudiyah district, using a drone.

The sources explained that the drone targeted military vehicles of the STC without mentioning to the sites that were targeted.

The airstrike has been the second time against the STC’s sites since the beginning of this year in the district, following the military deployment of the Saudi-backed “Dare al-Watan factions in the same district and in Lawdar area in the same province.

The terrorist elements had obtained a large shipment of drones on a truck through an armed ambush in the Badarat area at the Al-Wadiah land crossing port located in Hadramout province, in collusion with the Islah Party leaders in Marib city in December 2022.