YEMEN Press Agency

Mujahideen Brigades claim responsibility for Beersheba operation

OCCUPIED PALESTINE, Oct. 08 (YPA) – The Mujahideen Brigades – Martyrs of the Interior “Dahem” Unit claimed full responsibility for the shooting and stabbing double-operation, which was carried out at the central bus station in the city of occupied Beersheba, leading to the death of two usurping Zionists and the injury of 24 others.

“The Mujahideen Brigades – Martyrs of the Interior “Dahem” Unit announces full responsibility for the qualitative double shooting and stabbing operation carried out inside the central bus station in the occupied city of Beersheb yesterday, Sunday October 6 2024, which led to the killing of two Zionist usurpers and the injury of 24 others, including critical cases, according to the enemy’s admission,” the brigades said in a statement on Monday


“This heroic operation, which came at the height of the enemy’s security alert, is a natural and ongoing response to the massacres and crimes of the fascist enemy against our people in Palestine and Lebanon, the ongoing genocide in the patient Gaza Strip, the desecration of Al-Aqsa Mosque and the holy sites, and the heinous crimes committed against our heroic prisoners by Netanyahu’s Nazi government,” the statement read.


“Today’s operation by the “Dahem” unit, which follows the unique operation carried out by the heroic martyr, Mohammed Shehab  in Ramla, alongside the operations of our groups and cells in the West Bank, confirms that the blood of innocents spilled by the Zionist Nazis and the crimes of Netanyahu and his criminal gang will not go unpunished, and they will pay a heavy price for it.”


“As we deliver the good news of this blessed operation to our grieving people and our nation, we affirm that we continue in our jihad and operations. The enemy must know that there is no safety for them on any inch of our blessed land, and they should expect more from our fighters. Their security measures will not prevent us from striking them and their cowardly settlers. Today’s operation is part of a series of upcoming operations, by the will of Allah, and the account will remain open,” the statement added