YEMEN Press Agency

Five leaders belonging to UAE-backed STC resign in Shabwa

SHABWA, Sept. 24 (YPA) – Five leaders belonging to the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) in Shabwa province have submitted their resignations, in an unprecedented move amidst a state of discontent over the marginalization and exclusion of local leaders.

Local sources said the STC’s leaders in Al-Saied district in Shabwa resigned because the failure to meet the demands of the people of the district and depriving them of their basic rights, in addition to the STC departure from the political approach.

Southern activists considered the resignation blow to the STC, which lost its political and military presence in Shabwa since the UAE appointed Awad Al-Wazir, as governor of the province after the overthrow of Islah-affiliated Mohammed Saleh bin Adio, who served as last governor in the province in December 2021.

The sources identified the leaders who reigned as “Abdullah Saleh Hajiri Al-Tawsi, a member, Mohammed Abdullah Las’ar, Mohammed Abdullah Saleh Baswied, Mohsen Al-Ari Al-Ahmadi, and Abdul Fattah Al-Ribh Abu Harbah.

Last June, the STC, led by Aidarous al-Zubaidi, had failed to hold a meeting of the so-called “National Assembly” of the STC in the city of Ataq, the provincial capital of Shabwa.