YEMEN Press Agency

Gold prices witness new rise in Sanaa, Aden

SANAA, Sept. 24 (YPA) – Gold prices continue its upward journey in Yemen, and in the past hours it has reached unprecedented levels.

According to economic sources, the price of the gold pound in Aden reached 1,100,000 riyals, and 307,000 riyals in Sanaa.

The sources explained that the gold pound exceeded its historical rise during its last rise since the beginning of this September, about 60, 000 riyals in Aden, and about 11,000 riyals in Sanaa.

The sources stated that the average gold prices in Aden and Sanaa this evening, Tuesday, as follows:

Average gold prices in Aden:

Gold pound Purchase = 1,080,000 riyals, Sale = 1,100,000 riyals.

Gram 21 karat Purchase = 149,000 riyals, Sale = 145,000 riyals.

Average gold prices in Sanaa:

Gold pound Purchase = 303,000 riyals, Sale = 307,000 riyals.

Gram 21 karat Purchase = 37,700 riyals, Sale = 39,800 riyals.