YEMEN Press Agency

Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi confirms Yemen’s firm support for Gaza, Palestinian people

SANAA, Sept. 21 (YPA) – The leader of the Yemeni Revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi, on Saturday confirmed the steadfastness of Yemen’s position in support of Gaza and the Palestinian people.

In his speech today on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the September 21 Revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik referred to the missile strike on occupied Jaffa last week, emphasizing that “this operation was major, influential, and shattering for the Israeli enemy.”

He said that “this missile bombing on the Israeli entity will be repeated and continuous.”

Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi stated that the operations of shooting down the American MQ-9 military reconnaissance plane were a very important achievement in the context of the confrontation with the enemies.

The revolution leader indicated that the Yemeni military capabilities that are being built have now reached a great, important, large, and clear level, noting that “the major challenges faced by Yemeni people contributed to building military capabilities.”

“Yemen possesses an advanced military arsenal that many countries do not possess, and missile force is the title of this advanced, effective, and important construction,” he said.

Sayyed Abdulmalik confirmed that Yemen has reached an advanced level in terms of drones, navy, and the formation and development of the ground force and production of its requirements.

He stressed that “building military and security capabilities is to protect any gains and any economic structure, and above all to preserve our country from occupation.”