YEMEN Press Agency

Iran warns of consequences of Israeli actions

WORLD, Sept. 21 (YPA) – Iran’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Amir Saeid Iravani, warned the Security Council that Iran has “repeatedly warned of the serious consequences of the malicious activities” carried out by Israel in the region.

In the speech delivered Friday before the UN Security Council, Amir Saeid Iravani said the Zionist entity of has crossed all red lines, stressing that Iran “will rigorously pursue accountability for the attack on its ambassador in Lebanon.

He emphasized that Iran has consistently “exercised maximum restraint for the sake of peace and security in the region, and for what is termed the ceasefire talks in Gaza.”

The UN Security Council held a session at the request of Algeria, the only Arab member of the Council, during which it heard briefings from senior UN officials regarding recent developments in Lebanon and the region.

