YEMEN Press Agency

Pro-UAE factions kidnap prominent religious sheikh in Shabwa

SHABWA, Aug. 31 (YPA) – Gunmen of the UAE-funded “Al-Amaliqa” factions kidnapped on Saturday one of the most prominent religious sheikhs in the Baihan district of Shabwa province, which is under the control of the factions.

Local sources in the district said, “Armed men on board six military vehicles belonging to the Al-Amaliqa factions stormed the house of Sheikh Abdulqadir Ateq Jabr and kidnapped him from his family after surrounding his house.” Sheikh Khabar was threatened with death and forced to write his last will to his sons, with weapons over his head.

The sources added that the faction leaders accused Sheikh Jabr of teaching people magic in order to enchant one of the Salafist sheikhs loyal to them called “Waddah Al-Mathah.”

Some local notables in Baihan intervened and pressed on the Al-Amaliqa leaders to release Sheikh Jabr, according to the sources.