YEMEN Press Agency

Arab League: Palestinians are subjected to a war of extermination

CAIRO, Aug. 28 (YPA) – The Secretary-General of the Arab League, Ahmed Abu Al-Ghaith, condemned on Wednesday the escalation of the Israeli occupation forces, the occupying force, in the West Bank.

Abu Al-Ghaith said in a press statement, “The incursions, brutal attacks, and killings carried out by Tel Aviv in the cities of the northern West Bank, as well as the destruction of infrastructure and the siege of hospitals, represent a dangerous trend that aims to subjugate the Palestinian people and overthrow the remnants of the signed agreements.”

He stressed that this trend cannot be separated from the dangerous and unacceptable statements made by extremist ministers in the occupation government regarding the Holy Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Abu Al-Ghaith pointed out that “Tel Aviv is waging a war of extermination against the Palestinians everywhere” and that its goal is to make the life of the Palestinians impossible on their land, whether in the West Bank or the Gaza Strip, in implementation of the displacement plans and liquidation of the case.