YEMEN Press Agency

Laqmoush tribe in Shabwa calls for emergency meeting on Thursday

SHABWA, Aug. 27 (YPA) – The  Laqmoush tribe in Shabwa province, eastern Yemen, called for a large and exceptional meeting in the Al-Aram area of the Habban district, south of Ataq, the capital of the governorate.

Sheikh Saeed Omar Maqdah Laqmoushi, head of the Laqamoush tribe, emphasized the importance of the attendance of all social, political, and military figures at this special meeting scheduled for Thursday morning in Al-Aram.

The meeting aims to determine the actions of the tribe that will be taken following the expiration of the deadline given to leader Shalal Shayea to reveal the fate of his sons, who have been forcibly disappeared in the STC prisons in Aden since 2016.

The call for the meeting coincides with the end of an 8-day deadline given by the tribe to the STC to disclose the whereabouts of Sheikh’s sons, Saleh and Mohammed.

The tribe’s demands have garnered widespread support from tribes in Shabwa and Abyan, backing their stance on behalf of all the abducted and forcibly disappeared individuals in Aden’s STC-run prisons.

In 2016, the STC leader Shalal Shayea, who was then the Director of Security in Aden, abducted Saleh, the son of Sheikh Saeed Laqmoushi, after raiding their business in the Al-Mansoura area. His brother Mohammed was abducted three days later, and both have been held in secret prisons with no information about their fate to this day.

They reportedly tortured along with other detainees who were transferred from Shalal’s prison to the notorious Qalaa Wadih detention center.

They have been missing ever since, with reports indicating that they might have been killed under torture at the facility overseen by Shalal and Yassir Al-Maqtari, with direct supervision from Emirati officers.

