YEMEN Press Agency

Zionist occupation forces expand Netzarim Corridor by establishing 4 large military sites

OCCUPIED PALESTINE, Aug. 26 (YPA) – The Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth revealed on Monday that satellite images show the Israeli army expanding the Netzarim Corridor, which divides the Gaza Strip into two parts, north and south, by establishing four great military sites.

The newspaper said: “The Israeli army has been working to expand the corridor, and in recent days four reserve soldiers were killed there after being hit by explosive devices planted on the side of the road.”

According to the newspaper: “The Israeli army also practically established the Netzarim Corridor to prevent the return of militants and Palestinians to the north of the Gaza Strip,”.

“Four large military points were established in the corridor, for the permanent residence of hundreds of soldiers,” the newspaper added.

This road is considered one of the main points of contention in the ongoing ceasefire talks in Gaza, whereas the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) insists on a complete Israeli withdrawal, while Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu demands a mechanism to prevent the movement of militants from the south of Gaza Strip to the north.