YEMEN Press Agency

Palestinian Presidency: “Israel” has crossed all red lines

OCCUPIED PALESTINE, Aug.08 (YPA) -The Palestinian president’s spokesperson, Nabil Abu Rudeineh, affirmed that “Israel’s massacres in Gaza and killings in the West Bank have crossed all red lines”, saying that the situation has reached a stage of unforeseeable consequences.

The presidential spokesman stressed that Israel’s continuing genocide, destruction and starvation in the Gaza Strip, and its escalated measures in the West Bank are a crossing of all red lines, holding the American administration that supports this occupation and its crimes fully responsible.

Abu Rudeineh further stressed that Israel’s aggression and genocide in Gaza and the killings and incursions of cities and camps in the West Bank; the most recent of which was the military incursions into Tubas, Aqaba and Jenin city and its camp which left dozens of casualties, in addition to the torture inflicted on detainees in Israeli jails, are “a crossing of all red lines.”

He said that Israel’s aggressive policy against the Palestinian people, which was expressed in the fascist statements of some extremist ministers in the occupation government, has brought the region into a dangerous new phase with repercussions that will be more serious for the region and the world.

He also warned of the risk of sliding into a comprehensive regional war due to this Israeli escalation.

Abu Rudeineh maintained that the deterioration of the situation in the region has put everyone under new challenges, calling on the US administration to make responsible decisions to stop the war and stop supporting the occupation, especially since things have reached a stage of unforeseeable consequences, stressing that security and stability will not be reached, at any price.

He said that the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and people will not grant any legitimacy to any plans or policies that do not meet the aspirations of the Palestinian people, stressing that these aggressive policies will not force the Palestinian people to renounce their values and rights, especially with regards to Jerusalem and its holy places.

