YEMEN Press Agency

Human rights organization chief in Aden reveals shocking violations against citizens

ADEN, Aug. 07 (YPA) – The head of a human rights organization in Aden revealed shocking information today about the violations committed by leaders of UAE-backed factions in the city.

Anis Al-Shareek, the head of the Observer Human Rights Organization in Aden, confirmed that Yassir Al-Maqtari, the so-called “counter-terrorism” chief in Aden, has embezzled vast amounts of money, as well as large quantities of gold and jewelry, during raids on numerous homes and shops belonging to citizens.

He added that these systematic violations including, looting and stealing citizens’ property under the guise of “security raids.”

Al-Shareek noted that Al-Maqtari was seen returning with bags filled with money to some homes in the Al-Qulwaa area.

He also pointed out that Al-Maqtari has not returned the stolen money and gold to their rightful owners and has threatened the victims of the looting if they speak out.

The UAE-backed factions have abducted hundreds of citizens during raids on their homes and shops , detaining them in secret prisons and releasing some in exchange for exorbitant amounts of foreign currency over the past few years.

It is noteworthy that several leaders of the UAE-backed “counter-terrorism” unit managed to escape to the UAE after being involved in the kidnapping Major Ali Ishal Al-Jaadani, who hails from Abyan, since last June.

There are ongoing demands for the release of the kidnapped and forcibly disappeared individuals held in the UAE-backed Southern Transitional  Council (STC)’s prisons in Aden.

