YEMEN Press Agency

Gold rises again in Yemen

SANAA, Aug. 01 (YPA) – Gold prices in Yemen have risen again, slightly over the past hours, but the gap and large disparity in prices are clearly visible between Sanaa and Aden.

Yemeni economic sources confirmed that the price of the gold pound in Aden recorded on Thursday one million and 40 thousand riyals, while in Sanaa the pound recorded 286 thousand riyals.

Below are the average gold prices in Aden and Sanaa this evening:

Average gold prices in Aden:

Gold pound Purchase = 1029,000 riyals, Sale = 1,040,000 riyals

Gram 21 karat Purchase = 128,000 riyals, Sale = 135,000 riyals

Average gold prices in Sanaa:

Gold pound Purchase = 282,000 riyals, Sale = 286,000 riyals

Gram 21 karat Purchase = 35,100 riyals, Sale = 37,000 riyals.