YEMEN Press Agency

Sanaa denies coalition’s propaganda regarding travel documents

SANAA, July 28 (YPA) – The Sanaa-based Immigration, Passports and Nationality Authority denied on Sunday the reports of the coalition-backed government-run media outlets regarding the non-accreditation of Sanaa-issued travel documents.

Deputy of Authority, Brigadier General Abdul Raouf Mufaddal, confirmed in a statement that passports are still in effect in areas under the control of Sanaa government.

He explained that all travel documents issued by the Authority’s presidency and its branches in all the provinces, which Supreme Political Council in Sanaa control over, are internationally getting accredited, and the procedures taken to issue passports are smooth and flexible without any obstacles.

Mufaddal noted that any citizen wishing to obtain a travel document should go to the Authority’s headquarters and its branches to obtain the services with easy and facilitated legal procedures.

Earlier, the coalition-run media outlets tried to promote propaganda about passports issued from Sanaa-run areas, which coincides with the resumption of flights through Sanaa airport to new international destinations.