YEMEN Press Agency

Lebanese Resistance Brigades carry out first military operation against Israeli occupation

BEIRUT, July 13 (YPA) – The Lebanese Resistance Brigades carried out its first military operation on Friday against Israeli occupation forces.

“In support of our steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and in support of their brave and honorable resistance, the fighters of the Lebanese Brigades to Resist the “Israeli” Occupation, targeted the Ruwaisat Al-Qarn site in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms with rocket weapons, hitting it directly,” the group said in brief statement on Friday.

This operation, conducted as part of “Flood of Al-Aqsa,” is in line with the objective for which the brigade was established in March 1998: to resist the Israeli occupation of Lebanese territory and liberate it, alongside other resistance factions.

The operation also reaffirms the role of the Lebanese Brigades for resistance against Israeli occupation, a role that remains present and will continue as long as any inch of Lebanese land remains occupied.

