YEMEN Press Agency

Prominent leader in Sanaa issues unprecedented fiery message to Saudi Arabia

SANAA, July 13 (YPA) – A prominent leader in Sanaa has sent a fierce and unprecedented message to the Saudi regime in case it becomes involved in implementing the American conspiracy targeting the Yemeni economy.

In a post on X platform, Yusuf al-Fishi, the head of the National Comprehensive Reconciliation and Political Solution Team, addressed Saudi Arabia saying: “To the Saudi regime, do not entangle yourselves again in aggression through your conspiracies against the livelihood of the Yemeni people in response to American pressures on one hand and the deceit of the Emirati devil on the other.”

Al-Fishi added, “There are those who exploit your sense of grandeur to push you into fighting on behalf of the American who has withdrawn his ships for you to replace him.”

He continued, “Circumstances and changes have served you by extracting you from the quagmire of aggression against a neighboring country from which there is no escape for you.”

Al-Fishi pointed out that the path of peace and neighborliness is better for Saudi Arabia and safer, as it would involve it in a battle it cannot handle on land, sea, or air, and even within the depth of the kingdom itself.

He concluded his post by saying, “If God has intended to punish you for your crimes of aggression over the past ten years, this is the will of God, which, if he wishes to execute, takes away the minds of those  who have wisdom.”

