YEMEN Press Agency

Emirati officers arrived in Socotra amidst escalating popular protests

SOCOTRA, July 11 (YPA) – Emirati officers have arrived in Socotra Island, coinciding with community movements opposing the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC), which has controlled the island for the past four years, according to local media report.

Almahriah TV reported that the Emirati officers participated in a security committee meeting held by Governor Raafat Al-Thaqli, who was appointed after a military coup led by the STC militia against the government loyal to Saudi-led coalition .

The involvement of the Emirati officers in the meeting has caused outrage among local officials and social figures from Socotra who were present at the meeting.

The arrival of these officers coincides with increasing community discontent and public anger towards Governor Raafat Al-Thaqli due to rising fuel prices and the deterioration of basic services.

