YEMEN Press Agency

Al-Ajri advises Riyadh to reconsider twice any wrong assessment of Sanaa’s position

SANAA, July 10 (YPA) – Member of the Sanaa negotiating delegation, Abdulmalik Al-Ajri, urged the Arab regimes that had a wrong assessment of Sanaa’s position to reconsider twice their wrong assessments.

Al-Ajri pointed out in a post on the “X” platform on Wednesday that the Yemeni army’s preoccupation with “the promised victory” battle to support Gaza does not mean forgetting the rights of the Yemeni people.

Observers believe that this message is addressed to the Saudi regime, especially since it came after the warnings of the leader of the Yemeni revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik al-Houthi, to Riyadh last Sunday against involvement with Washington in any military or economic escalation in Yemen.

In his speech on Sunday, Sayyed Abdulmalik vowed to respond to any escalation measure in kind by imposing the equation “airport for airport, ports for port, and banks for banks.”

Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi also indicated that the Saudi regime was wrong if it thought that Sanaa’s preoccupation with the battle to support Gaza would prevent it from responding to the escalation.