YEMEN Press Agency

Lazzarini: Two-thirds of UNRWA schools in Gaza were bombed

SANAA, July 10 (YPA) – The Commissioner-General of UNRWA, Philippe Lazzarini, confirmed on Wednesday, that two-thirds of the schools run by the agency in the Gaza Strip have been damaged since the start of the war nine months ago, according to what was reported by the German News Agency.

Lazzarini said that some schools were bombed, and many of them were severely damaged.

“Schools have turned from safe places of education and hope for children into overcrowded shelters, and often end up as a place of death and misery”, Lazzarini added.

Lazzarini also pointed out that four schools were bombed during the past four days alone, without specifying which warring party was behind the attacks.

UNRWA said that it was running 284 schools in the besieged coastal strip before the start of the Gaza war on October 7th.

Lazzarini called for an immediate ceasefire and said: “Nine months have passed, and the killings are still happening, the destruction and despair continue, and Gaza is not a safe place for children”.

He confirmed that the blatant disregard for international humanitarian law, cannot become the new normal situation.