YEMEN Press Agency

Gunmen wounded in Shabwa armed confrontations

SHABWA, June 25 (YPA) – Two tribal gunmen were wounded in armed confrontations breaking out on Tuesday, south of the city of Ataq, the center of Shabwa province.

Sources familiar with the matter said the confrontations broke out between militants from the tribes of Basweed and Tawasel in a popular Qat market in the al-Saied district of the province.
The clashes erupted after a member of the Tawasel tribe was stabbed by an armed man from the Basweed tribe into the market.

The coalition-held districts of Shabwa have been witnessed an unprecedented security chaos due to the absence of state authorities since 2016, amid the spread of UAE-backed factions working to perpetuate the phenomenon of revenge among tribesmen by distributing weapons and money to tribes.