YEMEN Press Agency

British soldiers file lawsuit against their country’s Ministry of Defense

LONDON, June 22 (YPA) – British soldiers have filed a lawsuit against their country’s Ministry of Defense.

This came after they developed cancer, as a result of their exposure to carcinogenic substances included in the composition of the paint of British combat vehicles, according to British media, quoting the soldiers’ lawyers.

The soldiers were involved in the process of painting military vehicles, including trucks, armored personnel carriers and stainless tanks such as the “Challenger 2,” with paint containing “chromium VI,” a recognized carcinogen that can cause lymphoma and lung cancer.

The soldiers’ lawyers claim that the ministry was aware of all the risks for nearly 20 years, but continued to use the paint without informing the soldiers of the risks or providing them with protective clothing.

It is noteworthy that the use of hexavalent chromium in most manufacturing industries was banned under European Union directives, in 2003.