YEMEN Press Agency

Hamas calls on UN to include Israeli entity on blacklist of child killers

GAZA, June 04 (YPA) – Hamas Movement called on the United Nations to include the Zionist occupation in its blacklist of entities that target children with murder, torture and displacement.

“The International Day of Innocent Child Victims of Aggression comes this year, with the continuation of the Zionist aggression against our Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and occupied city of al-Quds, which has been ongoing for more than seven months, the movement said in a news statement on Tuesday.

The Movement’s statement came on the occasion of the “International Day of Innocent Child Victims of Aggression.

The statement added that the most heinous crimes and horrific massacres that the fascist entity’s committing against the Palestinian people, especially innocent children, who were and still are a direct target of the terrorism and criminality of this Nazi entity.

The movement indicated that, according to international reports, “one child is injured or dies every 10 minutes in Gaza, and the number of martyrs from the children as a result the ongoing Zionist aggression against the Gaza Strip have risen more than 14,000.

“There are more than 200 Palestinian children, most of them school students, including more than 20 from the Gaza Strip, inside the prisons of the fascist occupation that practices against them the most horrific and hateful punitive and retaliatory policies,” the statement.

The movement’s statement pointed out that “the celebration of United Nations and the international community this day every year is a chance to remind once again of the suffering and pain of the children of Palestine, inside Palestine and in the refugee camps and diaspora, adding that they hold a legal, moral and humanitarian responsibility to put an end to the continuation of the Zionist occupation in its grave violations and horrific crimes against Palestine’s children.”

It went on to say, “Failing to take all necessary measures to prosecute the perpetrators of these crimes and hold them accountable; It represents a disgrace on the forehead of this world, which is reluctant to put an end to the crimes of this Nazi occupation against our Palestinian people.”

Finally, Hamas warned against “the continued silence, inaction, and international inability to criminalize the occupation’s violations and its escalating aggression against children in Palestine.”