YEMEN Press Agency

Sources: Power generation stations might completely stop in Shabwa

SHABWA, May  31 (YPA) – Power generation stations might completely cease operations in the city of Ataq, the provincial capital of Shabwa province, which is under the control of Saudi-led coalition, informed sources reported on Friday

According to the sources, the Power generation stations might completely stop in the city of Ataq and across all districts due to fuel shortages.

They noted that power outages in Ataq have exceeded 18 hours per a day amid reports of the halting of gasoline and diesel tankers heading from Marib to several provinces, including Aden and Abyan, due to irregular distribution of Shabwa’s allocated fuel supplies.

Shabwa Electricity had requested an emergency fuel shipment from Aden and Marib, but there has been no response from the local authorities.

The sources indicated that a complete blackout is imminent within the next few hours despite the reduction of operating hours to 6 hours in Ataq and 2 hours in the districts.