YEMEN Press Agency

Sanaa directs new warning to Saudi regime

SANAA, May 29 (YPA) – Sanaa warned the Saudi regime of the consequences of its conspiracy targeting the banking sector in Yemen.

The Deputy Foreign Minister of the Sanaa government, Hussein Al-Ezzi, said on Wednesday in his account on the “X” platform that “targeting the banking sector contradicts calls for peace and all common approaches between Sanaa and the Saudi-led coalition leadership.”

Al-Ezzi added, “Whoever thinks that the Yemeni people will suffer alone is certainly illogical and unfair,” pointing out that the wrongdoing party has become clear.

Sanaa had accused the Saudi regime of carrying out a conspiracy targeting the banking sector in Yemen in the implementation of American and British directives, against the backdrop of Yemen’s humanitarian stance to stop the genocide committed by the Israeli enemy against the Palestinian people.

The Sanaa government held the Saudi regime fully responsible for any repercussions that might harm the Yemeni people, as it is the decision-maker who uses its tools to implement conspiracies.