YEMEN Press Agency

UN Relief Chief calls on G20 members to use their political leadership, influence to stop war in Gaza

GAZA, Feb. 22 (YPA) – Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Martin Griffiths, confirmed that half a million people in Gaza are on the brink of famine and they cannot have access to the most basic needs such as food, water, health care, latrines.

Griffiths said in an article published on Al Jazeera Net in its Arabic version and in the Brazilian newspaper Folha in Portuguese on Wednesday that the deprivation suffered by the residents of Gaza is severe and profound, and any amount of assistance will not be enough for their needs… noting that the Zionist enemy, as an occupying force in Gaza, has been requested to facilitate the arrival of aid, to no avail.

He emphasized that entire neighborhoods have been wiped out in the Gaza Strip… appealing to members of the “Group of 20” on the occasion of their meeting in Brazil to use their political positions and influence to help stop this war and save the people of Gaza.

He also stated that these members have the ability to make a difference and urged them to use it.

Addressing the members of “Group of 20”  Griffiths said: “Your silence and inaction will only result in more women and children being thrown into open graves in Gaza.”

Griffiths presented an overview of the tragic situation in Gaza, saying “ As the Group of 20 (G20) meets in Brazil this week, the reported death toll in the Gaza hostilities is nearing the 30,000 mark.”