YEMEN Press Agency

PTC condemns coalition’s destruction of communications network in Saada

SANAA, July 9 (YPA) – The Public Telecommunications Corporation (PTC) strongly condemned the Saudi-led coalition’s destruction of the communications network at Nawa and Damagh mounts in Saada  on Thursday with more than 18 air raids, in a statement obtained by Yemen Press Agency.

In the statement, the PTC carried the countries of the Saudi-led coalition and those who stand with them full legal and human responsibility due to this aggressive act and the consequent direct and indirect losses and damage to the telecommunications sector, the consequent disruption of its services and the deprivation of the civilian population in those areas.

The PTC added that Nuwa and Damgh mounts  are not a military and security network as the coalition media said, affirming that these allegations are excuses used by coalition to cover up what it is doing ofWar crimes affecting the civil and service facilities of the national telecommunications network and its violation of international law and human rights conventions.

The statement called on the international community, the United Nations, international associations, civil society and humanitarian organizations and all concerned parties to intervene quickly and put an end to these attacks and crimes.


Sameera Hassn