YEMEN Press Agency

Residents demand removal of checkpoints, roadblocks recently established in Ataq city

SHABWA, Sept. 15 (YPA) – Residents in the city of Ataq, the capital of Shabwa governorate, in eastern Yemen, expressed a great discontent against checkpoints set up by militants  affiliated with the UAE-backed Shabwa Defense forces.

The citizens in the city of Ataq called on the local authorities loyal to the Saudi-led coalition to remove checkpoints and barriers on the public road linking the streets and the city center, as they are illegal and harass travelers, passers-by and delay their work due to traffic jam they caused.

On Thursday, Human rights sources in the province, condemned abduction of two of  sons of Al-Awaliq  Tribe by Shabwa Defense Forces. They were taken to an unknown destination, after sending an armed campaign to Al-Mustawdana neighborhood in the city of Ataq.

According to the sources, the families of the abductees were unable to know the whereabouts of their  sons, amid speculation that they would be detained in Ataq airport detention center.