YEMEN Press Agency

Mahra’s sit-in committee calls free Yemenis to expel foreign forces

MAHR, Sept. 04 (YPA) – Spokesman for the sit-in committee against foreign occupation in Al-Mahra, Ali Mubarak Mahamed, affirmed the committee has a firm position rejecting the presence of any foreign forces on the lands of Mahra and all the provines of Yemen.

In a series of tweets on X platform, Mahamed announced the committee’s refusal to legitimize the presence of foreign forces through suspicious deals, calling for the necessity of unifying the position of all free Yemenis to remove these forces from Yemeni airports, ports, and islands.

“The accelerated movements by the foreign forces to be present in these provinces came only because of the neglect of national sovereignty by officials and leaders of the so-called Saudi-formed Presidency Council and its government, who legitimize their presence through suspicious deals to sell ports, as happened in Qishn, and other deals to sell the communications and oil sectors.”

The spokesman pointed out that the recent developments in the eastern provinces revealed to public opinion the goals and ambitions of the external occupation and its efforts to establish military bases in Mahra, Socotra, Hadramout, Shabwa, and the Yemeni islands.