YEMEN Press Agency

Marib’s tribes refutes coalition’s story of assassination attempt on “Al-Arada”

MARIB, July 25 (YPA) – One of the Marib tribes has refuted what was published by the security authorities loyal to the Saudi-led coalition in the city of Marib on thwarting an attempt to assassinate Sultan al-Arada, Marib’s governor appointed by the pro-coalition government and a member of the Presidential Leadership Council.

“Al Mahtam” tribe said in a statement issued yesterday, Tuesday: “The accusation of Ali Sareeb Al-Muhtam, member of the Al Muhtam tribe, of being behind the attempt at assassinating Al-Arada is untrue, and it only aims for the purpose of stirring up tribal strife in the province.”

The statement confirmed that the charge is malicious, through which the security services affiliated with the Islah party want to carry out hidden schemes.