YEMEN Press Agency

Al-Alimi directs direct threat to STC regarding Yemen’s unity

ADEN, May 21 (YPA) – Head of the “Saudi-formed Presidential Council”, Rashad Al-Alimi, directed a direct threat to, Aidaroos Al-Zubaidi, the head of the -UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC), demanding the return of Yemen to before May 22, 1990.

Al-Alimi threatened the STC, saying: “Celebrating the Yemeni Unity is not a tendency to political intrigue or exclusion, but rather a commitment to the power of the constitution, the legitimate legal status of the state recognized regionally and internationally, the references of the transitional period, and the lofty goals formulated by the Yemenis in the south and north six decades ago.”

He called on the members of the council to take the “constitutional oath that was taken in Aden for the sake of all Yemenis in the north and south, and not to allow the depletion of capacities in inter-conflicts.”

In a speech delivered from his residence in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, Al-Alimi hinted at the presence of strong southern blocs against the STC, saying, “The strong and cohesive south with the rest of the liberated cities and regions constitutes an additional starting point for the broad republican alliance.”

He considered the regime of former President Ali Abdullah Saleh and the Islah Party as contributing to the deviation of the path of the Unitary project and emptying it of its content and participatory value after the summer war of 1994.

In May 2017, the UAE established the STC and worked to establish various armed factions to control the southern coasts of Yemen and disrupt important ports and economic facilities, including the Balhaf Gas facility of Shabwa and Al-Rayyan airport in Mukalla, the center of Hadramout, in addition to imposing its control over the most important strategic islands, including Mayon, located in the Bab al-Mandab Strait and the Socotra Archipelago to protect its commercial interests in Dubai port.