YEMEN Press Agency

Hand-to-hand fighting erupts between Hadrami elite, al- Zubaidi’s guard memebers

MUKALLA, May 21 (YPA) – A hand-to-hand fight took place between soldiers from the Hadrami Elite Forces and guards of Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, the Head of Southern Transitional Council (STC) at Ramada Hotel in Mukalla because of weapons, Media sources reported

Head of the “Hana Aden Center for Studies,” Anis Mansour, said in a tweet: “Aidarous’s guard members tried to disarm the Hadrami soldiers under the pretext of fear for Aidarous, and the Hadrami soldiers refused to do so.”

He added: “The dispute developed between the two sides into clashes and Al-Bahsani ordered the elite soldiers to leave the place and Entrusts protection to Aidarous’s security personnel.”

This comes after the arrival of military reinforcements belonging to the STC militia to Mukalla as part of the implementation of the British-American plan aimed at dismantling and dividing Yemen into states.