YEMEN Press Agency

Aden governor reveals “Al-Alimi”’s statements about southern issue

SANAA, Feb. 26 (YPA) – Aden governor, appointed by Saudi-led coalition, Tariq Salam, revealed the secret timing of the statements issued by the head of the Riyadh-formed Presidential Council, Rashad Al-Alimi, about transferring a solution to the southern issue.

“The statements, issued by the traitor Rashad Al-Alimi to Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper, about postponing the treatment of the southern issue, were the Saudi orders,” Salam said, “the coalition’s plot came to isolate the UAE-Southern Transitional Council leaders from their bases and confuse the southern position.”

He pointed out that these statements aimed, in general, in favor of passing the coalition plan to further dismember the Yemen’s south and perpetuate its occupation and plunder its wealth.