YEMEN Press Agency

Armed clashes erupt in Taiz among coalition factions

TAIZ, Nov. 02 (YPA) – Armed confrontations broke out on Wdnesday between the armed factions loyal to the Saudi-led coalition in the city of Taiz.

Local residents in the city affirmed that the clashes erupted after the faction affiliated with Taiz governor loyal to the coalition-backed government in, Nabil Shamsan, attempted to storm Al-Rawda area, the stronghold of Islah leader “Ghazwan Al-Mikhlafi” in the center of the city, which resulted in wounds among two sides.

The clashes came in the context of fierce battles between the coalition factions, which the city of Taiz is witnessing for the third week in a row, in light of the efforts of each faction to control the taxes of the markets in the city.