YEMEN Press Agency

US analyst: Washington will not be able to confront Russia, China and Iran all at once

WORLD, Oct. 18 (YPA) – The coordination of actions if taken place between Russia, China and Iran could significantly undermine the global influence of the United States, US analyst Hal Brands said in an article published by Bloomberg.

The United States will not be able to deal with the Ukraine crisis, the conflict between China and Taiwan and contain Iran all at once.

The US is now less able to deal with multiple military challenges than at any time since the Cold War, and in early 2010 the US pursued a “one war” strategy instead of the “two wars” standard in the nineties and the first decade of the twenty-first century.

War between the US and its rivals is not inevitable in any of these theaters. It is a distinct possibility in all of them.

“Feverish tensions with China and Russia force Washington to tread carefully with Iran. Biden’s administration must be wary of provoking Xi while it is tangling with Putin,” Brands said.