YEMEN Press Agency

Saudi-led coalition launches 30 airstrikes on five provinces

PROVINCES, March 02 (YPA) –  The US-backed Saudi-led coalition warplanes launched on Tuesday 30 airstrikes targeting several areas in the provinces of Hajjah,  Marib, Saada, Jawf and Bayda provinces, security sources said.

According to the sources, the coalition warplanes conducted 22 airstrikes on Haradh district in Hajjah, while two airstrikes hit Baqim district in Saada.

Moreover, the coalition attacked the districts of Wadi and Al-Jubah in Marib with three airstrikes and al-Hazm area in Jawf with two airstrikes.

In Bayda, the coalition warplanes waged two airstrikes on al-Sawma’ah district.