YEMEN Press Agency

Saudi-led coalition wages 24 air strikes on 5 provinces

SANAA, Feb. 02 (YPA) – The US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition’s fighter jets launched on Wednesday 24 airstrikes on Shabwa, Marib, Jawf, Hajjah and Saada provinces, security sources told Yemen Press Agency.

The sources affirmed that coalition’s warplanes targeted Marib with ten raids, six ones hit Madghal district and four others attacked Al-Jouba district.

The sources pointed out that coalition’s aircrafts waged four strikes on Haradh district and two ones hit Abs district in Hajjah province, while four raids targeted Al-Mahashima and Al-Yatma areas of Khab Washa’af district in Jawf.

In addition, communications networks of Al-Qantha’a area of Baihan district in Shabwa province, were targeted with three air strikes, while one raid attacked Al-Dhaher district of Saada province.