YEMEN Press Agency

Coalition fighters hit Yemen 48 times

SANAA, Feb. 01 )(YPA) – The Saudi-led coalition fighters jets launched on Tuesday 48 air strikes on several Yemeni provinces, security officials said.

The official affirmed that the warplanes waged 2 strikes on Halhel area in Lawder district of Abyan and 2 others on Jabal Habashi district of Taiz.

Meanwhile, the fighter jets carried out 6 strikes on the districts of Haradh and Abs in Hajjah and other 11 on the districts of Khab Washaf, Al-Masloub Al-Labanat in Al-Hazm district of Jawf province.

Earlier in the day, the coalition warplanes launched 10 raids on Sanaa, distributing to the old radio station in Al-Hasbah area in the middle of residential neighborhoods, and the vicinity of the TV building in Al-Thawra district, in addition five raids on the Jarban area in Sanhan district Sanaa province.

On Monday, the coalition launched 10 airstrikes on the capital, Sanaa, and 13 others on Marib, 11 on Taiz, and 5 on Jawf.