YEMEN Press Agency

Coalition losses dozens of commanders in West Coast

HODEIDA, Nov.21 (YPA) – The death toll of the Saudi-led coalition forces, in the confrontations with Sanaa forces in the battles taking place in Hays district on the western coast fronts, rose to 219, including dozens military leaders.

According sources familiar with the matter, 219 bodies of the coalition recruits, including al-Qaeda elements and militants of Tariq Afash backed UAE, arrived at several hospitals in Aden province the district of Hodeida.

On Friday, dozens of recruits of the coalition forces and the militias of the Tihama Resistance of the Islah Party led by Brigadier General “Ahmed al-Kawkabani” were ambushed by Sanaa forces on the Hays front, which led to the death and injury of dozens.

According to sources, the Sanaa forces lured Tariq Afash’s gunmen, along with al-Qaeda members, towards the eastern and northern outskirts, northwest of Hays district, killing and wounding more than 120 militants.