YEMEN Press Agency

Iran announces joint naval exercises with Russia

TEHRAN, Feb. 14 (YPA) – Admiral Habibullah Sayyari, Assistant Commander of the Iranian Army for Coordination Affairs, on Sunday revealed that joint naval exercises with Russia would soon take place in the northern Indian Ocean.

“These maneuvers are the second conducted by Iran and Russia in the south of the country, in order to establish security in the northern Indian Ocean,” Sayyari said.

Explaining the importance of these maneuvers, the Iranian official said: “these joint maneuvers carry a clear message that the Iranian Navy in terms of equipment, manpower, technology, tactics, direction, command, communication and access to modern equipment is at the level of global maritime powers.”

He added, “Our country has faced many threats since the early days of the Islamic revolution, and the enemies have put in place various plans in this regard, but they all failed.”

On Iran’s ability and power to confront “the hostile” states, Sayyari considered that “the reason for the failure of the enemies’ plans lies in the power of the Islamic Republic of Iran regime and the deterrent power of the armed forces.”

“Tehran should always seek to strengthen this force, and move through studying ideas and scientific research,” he stressed.