YEMEN Press Agency

Pro-coalition commander killed, others wounded in armed attack in Shabwa

SHABWA, Feb. 01 (YPA) – A military leader of Islah Party loyal to Saudi-led coalition was killed on Sunday in an armed attack by tribal militants in Shabwa province, eastern Yemen.

Tribal gunmen attacked a military point of Islah militia in ‘Al-Aram’ area in Habban district, south of the province, killing the point commander, Naji Ahmed Al-Hajla, and wounding two of the point’s members, sources told Yemen Press Agency.

The attack on the military point came after the kidnapping of Abdulrahman Shakh Bahaj, a member of the “Shabwani Elite” militia in ‘Al-Ramdah’ point in the same district, according to the sources.

The sources added that Bahaj was transferred by the Islah militants to a prison in Ataq city, the capital of the province.

On the other hand, a military vehicle belonging to Islah militants, which was on its way to Al-Aram, as part of the military reinforcements, collided with one of the citizens’ cars, resulting in the death of five civilians, including a child and two women.